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This image my be subject to copyrightAdvisory work at Shire Hall Courthouse Museum, Dorchester

Shire Hall in Dorchester opened as a Museum in 2018 to tell the story of Justice and Injustice in Dorset.

The building dates back to 1797 and is well known for not only the trial of Elizabeth Martha Brown, the last woman publically hung in Dorset in 1856 but also for The Tolpuddle Martyrs the six farm labourers sentenced to a maximum of 7 years transportation to Australia for swearing a secret oath in 1834. 

2023 is our fourth year of working in an advisory capacity with the team at Shire Hall. As well as conducting our own background research our role is to organise and manage visiting paranormal event teams.

Read more about our research at Shire Hall here

David Goulden Said: 

"In our private research, the team has been working with locations for nearly 20 years now. We have always put the interests of the locations at the forefront of what we do. When we started I thought we would always be banging on the doors to be let into places. I am super proud that by doing the right thing by the locations and protecting their interests we have built this position of trust and are now often invited in.

Stemming from this over the last 8 years, we have organically branched out into managing the reputational heritage at 3 historic locations in Dorset as well as the visiting paranormal teams. Our role is to advise when approached by the locations and to promote a positive impression of the paranormal field to the general public. Public perception and the paranormal is something that we are very passionate about."

We are proud that these opportunities also mean that we can play a little part in generating much-needed revenue for the locations. As charities, these funds make a big contribution to their future preservation which guarantees their survival for future generations to enjoy.   

Email david.goulden@shirehalldorset.org to book a paranormal event at Shire Hall.

Visit the paranormal section of the Shire Hall website here.

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