A night at Bodmin Gaol, Cornwall
In 2014 some of the team joined 'Ghosthunting Cornwall' for a night of research at Bodmin Gaol.
The Victorian gaol was built in 1779 on the edge of Bodmin Moor. The days of the gaol as a public correctional facility and Naval prison are now consigned to the history books, along with the stories of those that rightly, or wrongly fell foul of the law and passed through the gates. The gaol was closed for the last time to inmates in 1927.
Over the years parts of the structure have fallen into dereliction and were closed off to the public on safety grounds. Some areas however have stood the course of time well.
A recent programme of refurbishment and restoration has taken place which will see the gaol move into the future as a popular tourist attraction telling the tales and legends of its past for many years to come.
Our night at the gaol was quiet, but fascinating with only the resident bats for company!
Find out more about Bodmin Gaol here.